Sewing 101 with Maribeth

Date(s):    4 Sessions  Wednesdays March 5, 12, Apr 2 & 9
Time:       10:00 AM- 1:00PM
Cost:        $175
Instructor:  Maribeth Scanlon
Skill Level:  All

          MARCH 5                                                                          MARCH 12
         Pillowcase                                                                       Sewing Caddie


                                    APRIL 2 & 9

                                               Bondi Blouse

These workshops are designed for the very new sewist. Time to get those machines out of the boxes or closets! The classes will touch upon maintaining your machines and trouble shooting common problems that beginners often become frustrated with. The three projects will introduce you to concepts needed to advance into many of the Bernina World of Sewing classes for garments, bags and quilting.          


My email is: Maribeth@Berninaworldof Please email me directly once you enroll so I can send you any additional info for class.


NOTE: Enjoy 10% off everything (excluding Bernina) in the store on class day!

Call the store 910-769-2775 to register for this class.